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Re: Wheels and Parts list mis...

Subject: Re: Wheels and Parts list mis...
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 00:21:16 -0400
The other day someone@somewhere wrote:

>Wheel Wizards in Atlanta do not work on wire wheels and their phone number
is >(404)451-6333. They do straighten steel wheels though for $79 a piece
plus $12 to
>dismount and remount tires plus $45 to refinish the wheels.

Yikes, that is just a tad steep.  I guess is isn't just a simple matter and
actually takes some labor huh?  Sure wish I could find someone local to do

What about the reported straightening of steel wheels?  $15 apiece sounded
good to me. (Sorry, I deleted the original post that I'm refering to)  Sounds
a lot like fiction too, but good fiction.  Where in the heck would I check
around to find something like this?  

Anyone?  Anyone?

I know, it's a pipe dream.  Start saving for those Panasports.

Scott Tilton
In Richmond VA

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