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TeriAnn's TR

Subject: TeriAnn's TR
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 00:46:09 -0400
Teri was speaking of non original things under the hood of her TR3 and all
I've got to say is, oh my goodness.  That sounds like one of the coolest TR's
I've ever heard of!  Don't let anyone give you any flack for non originality.
 If you are gonna drive it, keep on making improvements.

Does the aluminum valve cover have a little enameled globe on it?  Those are
cool.  I've only seen one in person and heard of a couple others.

Tell us more Teri!  Where'd you get the harmonic dampner?  Is it the kit from
British frame and engine, or did you make it yourself?  Is it worth it?

I assume that means you have an electric fan.  I already deleted the message,
and I don't remember, are you running an alternator, or just a different
pulley on the generator?  How's it all work?

I'd love to put an alternator in my 4.  It just seems to make a lot of sense
to me.  I'm just waiting for someone else to do it first so I can copy them.

As to "period" modifications, Mike Gassman brought a white TR-3 to our
Richmond show last year.  It looked pretty normal outside.  Under the hood
there's a big ole Judson Super Charger.  That was pretty cool too.

I'll stop gushing now.  And I'm sure if I say "cool" one more time, yall are
gonna start calling me Beavis or something.

Scott Tilton
In Richmond Virginia
With wheels "Bent like eggs" according to the guy at the wheel balance place.

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