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TR6 Xmission

Subject: TR6 Xmission
From: (Paul Swengler)
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1995 07:13:56 -0400
>Thus, I have two questions:
> 1) Is there anything else I'll need to do this OD conversion other
>than the above?  (My TR6 is a 1974)
> 2) Does anybody have any of the above components that they'd be
>willing to donate, trade, or sell to me?
>Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
>Lockheed Sanders, PTP2-A001 | WWW:
>65 River Road               | Voice: (603) 885-9604
>Hudson, NH 03051            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

there are two OD's for the 6. The J type fits 6's which have a rear mounting
plate about 6" further back than earlier models. I don't know what year or
VIN they changed. The A and D type will fit in the earlier models of TR3
through TR6 with no other problems. All models use the same drive shaft.

The switch requies only a switch and escutcheon on the column and I used a
Radio shack 12V relay for power. Also the original setup will engage OD in
2nd 3rd and 4th. I recommend that you not hook up the switches for 2 & 3
gear because the torque for the six is a real strain on the OD.

Otherwise it's a relatively simple task. You may however need a large troat
bench press to remove the rear bearing. that's the hard part. The rebuild of
the Xmission is relatively straight forward. Just insure the tolerances are
spec and the layshaft isn't scored. Suggest also all syncro's be replaced.
YES change the seals! I replace without paper gaskets but with permatex
silicone gasket sealer. Make sure wverything is spotlessly clean and refil
with synthetic oil.

I just rebuilt a tranny this past weekend with a D type. I'll break apart
the OD this weekend and finish the assembly. It takes about 4 hours to do
the Xmission and the OD is a real pain to put together taking at least
another 4 hours simply because the allignment works or doesn't. I'm going to
try some stuff this weekend and see if I can get the alignment of the OD on
the bench before I try to reassemble. 

The J type is, by comparison, an hour to reassemble.

I hope this helps.
Aloha and keep us posted.
      A person can live
                minutes without air...
                        days without water...
                                weeks without food...
                                        and forever without answers...
and often will.

Paul Swengler                      Providing Hawaii's Legal Community
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Voice: 808-422-6322    Fax: 808-423-8282                       

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