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[Tigers] shocks original

To: <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: [Tigers] shocks original
From: Ron Fraser via Tigers <tigers@autox.team.net>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2023 17:47:53 -0400
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It is good to see people adding part numbers for the replacement shocks we
need on our cars.


The Tiger Parts List does not list the shocks or at least my copy does not.


Alpine Parts List 6600992 Series IV          section MA

5220811                Shock Absorber                S/D by 5221220

5221220                Shock Absorber


I found 1 of my original front shocks - this is listed on the barrel.


1223  8  71                          this looks like a Rootes part number
but I can't confirm that


Armstrong Patents Co Ltd

York England

Patent No 6        Subsequent Rights

Type GT/7           71109/  Date 3/65

Some of the print is worn so could be a miss read or omission here.


Here are some dimensions


Shock max travel length - 4.16"

Tube diameter = 1.88"


Anyone have an original rear shock to share similar info?

My Tiger had a Delco replacement with a 1968 date code.


I believe it is always wise to understand the original parts so we can make
better choices with replacement parts.


Ron Fraser 



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link=3D"#0563C1" vlink=3D"#954F72"><div class=3DWordSection1><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>It is good to see people adding part numbers for the =
replacement shocks we need on our cars.<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>The Tiger =
Parts List does not list the shocks or at least my copy does =
not.<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><b>Alpine Parts List 6600992 Series =
IV</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; section =
MA<o:p></o:p></p><p =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Shock =
;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; S/D by 5221220<o:p></o:p></p><p =
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Shock =
Absorber<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>I found 1 of my original front shocks &#8211; this is =
listed on the barrel.<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>1223&nbsp; =
8&nbsp; =
&nbsp; this looks like a Rootes part number but I can&#8217;t confirm =
that<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>ARMSTRONG<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Armstrong Patents Co Ltd<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>York England<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Patent =
No 6 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Subsequent =
Rights<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Type =
GT/7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; =
71109/&nbsp; Date 3/65<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Some of the =
print is worn so could be a miss read or omission here.<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Here are =
some dimensions<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Shock max =
travel length &#8211; 4.16&#8221;<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Tube diameter =3D 1.88&#8221;<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal>Anyone have =
an original rear shock to share similar info?<o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>My Tiger had a Delco replacement with a 1968 date =
code.<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>I believe it is always wise to understand the original =
parts so we can make better choices with replacement =
parts.<o:p></o:p></p><p class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal>Ron Fraser <o:p></o:p></p><p =
class=3DMsoNormal><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p><p =

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