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[Tigers] convertable top canvas straps

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: [Tigers] convertable top canvas straps
From: Rollright@aol.com
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 09:03:43 -0500 (EST)
Delivered-to: mharc@autox.team.net
Delivered-to: tigers@autox.team.net
Full-name: Rollright
Snow outside on this Christmas morning, here in Massachusetts.
The best to all of you.
When I bought my Tiger in 1976, it had been on the road for nine years. a  
few years later I had a Robbins top installed that replaced my original.
I recently replaced the canvas strap that tied the two top bows together;  
it had torn some years ago. In looking at the Owner's Handbook for both the  
Sunbeam 260 and the Tiger II 289, (their designations) for strap-dressing  
photo's, both O.M.'s show three canvas straps that run from the  front top 
"header-rail" to somewhere in the back of the top; center, left  and right.
I can see no trace of them on my top; only the 10.25" strap I replaced. My  
suspicion is that they may have been deleted at some point in the  
manufacturing cost-savings imposed by the Chrysler regime.
Can I ask if any of you have your top erected, to look for these and  
comment on their presence or absence along with your serial number please?   
car is 382002083)
If any of you know the answer to this definitively, please speak.
Thanks in advance,
Jim  Armstrong
Mk 1A 


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