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[Tigers] F1 GP Melbourne Sunbeams

To: "Tiger's List" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Tigers] F1 GP Melbourne Sunbeams
From: "Wally Menke" <walmenke@bigpond.net.au>
Date: Sat, 17 Mar 2012 21:44:25 +1100
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Hi All


For all the F1 followers. The Melbourne F1 GP is on tomorrow. The exciting
Sunbeam news is that Sunbeam Tigers & Alpines will be used to take all the
F1 drivers around the track for the parade lap! Michael King and I will be
there and will post some news in a day or 2. No doubt Michael will take a
heap of photo's. The parade lap is about 1.5 hours before the race starts
and I guess will not go on the international feed, but we might be able to
post it somewhere.


Wally Menke



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