I would add: clean and grease wheel bearings, change air filter, replace
coolant and thermostat and change brake fluid and be sure there is no
timing belt that is supposed to be changed at 60. If the timing belt has to
changed I would consider changing the water pump. If it's a 4x4 you might
want to check the manual for additional items.
Most new cars I've seen don't recommend plugs and wires until 100K.
Mark L
In a message dated 1/23/2011 6:29:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
glowboy@starstream.net writes:
'05 F-150 4.6 L V8 60k miles
Anything beyond plugs & wires these days?
Beside filters & oil?
Sent via the WebMail system at mail.starstream.net
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