There are fire-hoses and there are garden-hoses. The Tiger list is a
crimped garden hose compared to a lot of lists I watch. The volume is
not so high to be annoying to my delete finger when a topic
uninteresting to me is underway. But there have been some Tiger owners
who have un$ubscribed due to the volume. There are better technologies
out there that offer more options, but we are at the mercy of volunteers
here, after all. Personally, I tithe to Bradakis every time he asks, as
I am eternally grateful for the service he does provide....
drmayf wrote:
> Nope, Ron, it isn't just you! I too prefer the email service. I do no
> thave to hunt up athread to see what I want to all comes ala
> firehose. My choice, I delete a lot of stuff that is irrelevant to
> me. And if someone wants to see a picture, then I send them a picture
> or vice versa. No hidden ads to pop up, no advertising, just email.
> mayf
> Ron Fraser wrote:
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