At 10:40 PM 12/3/2007, you wrote:
>Couple of rich kids, eh? I wish I could claim a top speed record that
>way! Me, I have to go out on the salt, put on a funny car suit in
>August, run for at least 3 miles not more than five and be timed over
>the entire distance just to be qualified to set a record, lol. Just how
>dangerous was that stunt? A single bobble and it is all toast. Including
>the in car crew. The last guys who did a stunt like this, in England I
>think, showed the video and got caught by the police because they were
>able to identify the car and who owned it! Hooray! Street is no place
>for stunts like this. While I really don't give a rats ass about them,
>it is theother folk they might kill that ticks me off.
Far as I can tell, the Silver State Challenge is still an active venue and it is not
that far from Arizona. They have an unlimited class which the Lambo
ought to work quite well in. It may not have the history and record
setting status of the SCTA but it certainly would give some
reasonable control over the worst danger factors. I'd just consider
the referenced video a further proof of the Darwin Theory. I'd
consider the average age of the participants at Bonneville, who've
been doing this for years and years, and how many attempts the Lambo
crew will get before the inevitable news story. BTW, I just watched
the Nat Geographic show on this years salt runs. Nicely done.
Tom Hall
ModTiger Engineering LLC
I think the difference is when you race we know you did what you say because
it is sanctioned and you care about your reputation. Who knows if these
kids actually did this? It seems to me that the lights on the side weren't
going by fast enough for any 200mph. You have an idea of how fast the speed
was in perspective to how high the lights are and I would guess in the
nature of 90 or 100. The only time it appeared fast was when it went by
from the outside. That is because this could have been sped up on film
without it being detected. In the car, other things would have looked wrong
if sped up. Also it was bumpy enough that they might have gone airborne at
the speed suggested. Every day someone comes up with some BS like this and I
am generally pessimistic. Put it on the net and I just don't buy it. That's
why claims like these are always more or higher or more fantastic than
normal. Cause they aren't true. --Bill