"I believe the hammer-wielding in the engine compartment story may have some
truth to it. Of course the firewall was die pressed, but if you look
closely at the frame rails you can see some evidence of what could be hammer
marks. The frame rails right behind the back crossmember bolt sleeve and
below the struts brace mounting plate looks to have been cut and beat over
before welding. Was this a modifcation needed to clear the exhaust? Maybe
this is something the TAC inspectors look for. I've included links to
pictures of my frame rails."
That is the evidence that one of the noted Tiger experts gave to me of
proof that Jensen workers cut and hammered on the car as it went down the
line. All these years I have been blaming
a DPO who didn't deserve it. DPO, I forgive you for the mangled frame but
not for the rest of the things you did.