yes, this is definately a matter of taste. i don't find e-types or
mg's attractive in the slightest. american muscle has limited
interest to me, but cobras and astons are drop dead gorgous.
it probably doesn't help that there are not that many tigers. too
many to be rare but not enough to be well known.
On 8/8/07, Steinman, Bill <> wrote:
> I think it's a matter of perspective. When sitting next to an E-Type, XK,
>Cobra, Aston, or the more famous muscle cars of the era, I wouldn't expect my
>Tiger to get much attention. However, when I bring it to the local LBC
>events, it gets a lot of attention from fellow Triumph, MG, Healey and Lotus
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To: <>
> Sent: Wed Aug 08 18:09:31 2007
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Tiger Magazine Article
> Though George Boskoff was a Shelby employee, I don't think Shelby himself
> had a whole lot to do with the car. From the Mammoth Tiger's United I only
> recall Boskoff stating Shelby told him:
> "Put one of our engines in that Alpine," and "Just bend the d*mn steering
> arms." But still, it's nice to at least be a step-child when "dad" is
> famous.
> Regarding the looks, I'm no "fin fan," but I think they actually made the
> car look better (though they could have been toned down slightly). The
> treatment the Tigers got looks like the back end of a 1958 Rambler American.
> I guess "to each his own," but I still like the looks of the Tiger in
> general. As much as I can understand one's desire to see an inceased value
> in their car had the value gone the way of the Cobra perhaps many of us on
> the list couldn't have ever owned onee.
> Tom Witt
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