When my wife and I got married in July of 1967, we took our Tiger along
with us, towing a small pop-up camper. I carefully locked the car up
before the festivities in hopes that we would not find it filled with the
usual odd assortment of stuff and was successful for the most part. When
we got in the car and took off, I realized that my "friends" had tied the
usual tin cans to the axle, but they were quickly dispensed with. The next
day, I pulled into a gas station in Massachusetts and, while the attendant
was filling it up and washing the windshield (they did stuff like that back
then), he asked me how long we had been married. I told him "one day" but
was afraid to ask how he knew we had just been married. A couple of days
later, it was raining and I turned on the defrosters and was greeted by a
burst of rice grains coming through the vents. When I investigated, I
realized that my buddys must have been able to pry open the flaps on the
convertible top and pour some rice onto the scuttle, where it was not
visible from the drivers seat. I, of course, was spending most of my time
looking at my bride and only occasionally glancing at the road
anyway. They both still look pretty good (the car and the wife, that is
;>)) Until I had the Tiger stripped and repainted, I would occasionally
find a few rice grains, even after many years when they would bring back
fond memories.