I just rebuilt my front end, urethane bushings from Rick and new fulcrum
pins from Doug, and all the rest new, bolts etc. I have alignment specs from
,and some from Tigersunited web site and my CAT book, I got lots of specs,
but what works best for every day driving? 2 and a half degrees neg camber
sounds like an awful lot for street use. Anyone have experience with non org
specs that still works well with better handling but ok tire wear?. Right now
leaning toward the spes from Tigers united site...4 degrees pos caster.....1/2
neg camber and 1/8 neg tow. Not far off org and not radical and the friend who
is going to do it does a lot of rods and race cars so he has ton's of
experience as well. Spent a lot of time looking at the steering arms, tie rods
pics from the web of Doane Spencers mods. Can't see how flipping a round
rotor does anything, but longer steering arms and different tie rods would
make a difference. Steering arm would be easy to make at a machine shop and so
would tie rods. Thought for some winter