I'm not speaking as an official spokesperson for the club, but I did notice on
my calendar that the following CAT event is tomorrow:
APR 22 Saturday Sunbeam Swap Meet, "TAC" event and General Meeting. (This
meeting covers both April and May meetings.) Bud William's Shop in Anaheim.
2950 Coronado Street, Anaheim, CA 92806. Southeast corner of Red Gum and
Coronado. Exit the 91 Freeway (between the 55 and 57, this is east Anaheim.)
at Kraemer. North to Coronado and left to Red Gum. Enter the parking lot off
Red Gum south of Coronado. This is the first opportunity in years to get your
Tiger certified authentic. Swap Meet from 9:00 am, Meeting about 11:00 and
lunch will be provided by CAT Events.