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RE: Old Folk, Age ,Old Fart etc. - Contibute - results

To: atwittsend@verizon.net ("Thomas Witt"), tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Old Folk, Age ,Old Fart etc. - Contibute - results
From: Sjhcobra1@cs.com
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 22:32:26 -0500
I fell in love with Tigers in 1968.

I bought my first one in 1996 and sold it in 1998.

I bought a Mk1A in 1998, a Mk2 in 2001, and a Mk1 in 2003. If GOD's willing 
they'll be in the family after I'm gone.  I'm 55.

Steve Halbrook

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