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Re: fuel

To: laurin212@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: fuel
From: "Joey Hiykel" <v8sunbeamtiger@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 17:30:56 -0600
this is the same thing that i do. I use 4 oz of STP lead additive.

>From: "Peter Laurinaitis" <laurin212@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: "Peter Laurinaitis" <laurin212@yahoo.com>
>To: "Witt" <netwitt@zoominternet.net>,        "Tiger digest"  
>Subject: Re: fuel
>Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 00:06:21 -0500
>Don - I sent to you separately all the responses I received when I asked 
>the group about unleaded gas.  I personally have been filling my Tigers up 
>with premium unleaded and adding about half the recommended dose of lead 
>replacement, out of an abundance of caution (though I think unnecessarily). 
>Too much additive and I hear your plugs will foul.  Quite frankly, I have 
>no idea, nor can I tell, if I have hardened valve seats (impossible to 
>tell) as is recommended to run unleaded, but really doesn't seem like too 
>much of an issue, from all the feedback I received.  And the previous 
>owners of my Tigers said they just have been running unleaded no problem.

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