It certainly would be to everyones advantage if the guys running Tigers
where allowed to compete using the rules they once drove under. The factory
cars have very deep pockets and Im sure have used every trick available to
sway the rules committes to rule against the Tiger. The engine displacement
and the heads the drivers are now forced to use majorly handicap the Tiger.
Nevermind that all options are suppose to be available to the drivers but
even the carberators are not equal to the one offered with the F4B induction
I wonder if there is anything we as a group and indivually could do to help
sway the rules back to the Tiger drivers advantage. It would be great
watching our beloved car win race after race and not to mention the
publicity the Tiger would receive. If anyone has the proper person(s) to
email, PLEASE post that address and lets join together and try to help the
drivers compete with the corperate cars. Cheers, Tony