You're a star, Mark - so many people just take advantage of whatever
they can get for free....
While we're at it, lets send out kudos, high fives, and much gratitude
to all the other fine folks who support us with their seemingly tireless
and thankless efforts - Steve Laifman for the TU site, and all the
contributors there, Norm Miller for his website and the Registry, and
all the people actively involved with the Tiger clubs and websites. I
think we can all agree their efforts have dramatically improved the
experience of Tiger caretaking for the rest of us.
On yet another note - Tigers East/Alpines East (TE/AE) recently
announced that if you join, you'll be able to access the past four years
of newsletters on the web at no additional cost. I hope this is a
trend. When I bought my Tiger ten years ago or so, the club
newsletters all seemed to have assumed I was the original owner and I
had already received every newsletter from that group. It would be
terrific if CAT, STOA, TE/AE and the others could find a way to scan the
old newsletters and put them on the web. The Lotus Formula Ford
registry did this years ago. Collectively, we need to find a way to
help make this happen, IMHO. We own Tigers because we recognize value
better than anyone else - surely we should fully recognize the value of
the 'net and take better advantage of it!
Merry Christmas! errr.. Happy Holidays!
B382000331 wrote:
>My donation is in the mail.
>Mark L.