With the possibility of repeating myself, I'll say that when I used the VS-57
model (variable speed) Paxton's on my cars, with the boost limited to a
reasonable 4-6lbs. head gasket problems and engine compartment heat weren't an
issue. There is ample power to launch you into the back seat when you put your
foot into it, but remember,if you realized it or not, the variable speed
only provided boost when it was demanded...as when there was wide open
throttle, for instance. All other times the blower just "loafs" along not
boost or the accompining heat! Just ask all the Studebaker owners (of which I
am one) and the Kaiser owners, and the Ford/T-Bird owners of the '57 era, etc.
Besides, how else can you add 50% horsepower (When needed) without opening up
your engine and not have to put up with the lousey gas milage that tends to
come with a "hot" or semi-hot engine?