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Re: stubbie filters/remote syestem

To: Tony Someone <tonythetiger@onecliq.net>
Subject: Re: stubbie filters/remote syestem
From: Larry Paulick <lpaulick@comcast.net>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 18:00:16 -0400
Tony and the Lists. 

There are two guys who work really hard for You  and I, and don't get 
very much credit.  Mark Olsen, who runs this list and Steve Laifman who 
runs the Tigers United site.

Why do I mention them? 

Well first, Mark's Site, the one we are on now, has a wonderful 
Archives, which is listed at the bottom of every posting.  You can type 
in subject matter, name, etc., and you will get previous emails on a 
variety of subjects, including remote filters, stubby filters, etc.

Steve's site, Tigers United, has a series of article by various people, 
who also cover a variety of subjects, including remote oil filters. 

While I happen to have an article on a remote oil filter, that I have 
used for over 33 years on two different Tigers, the point is that this 
List, is an invaluable source of information, usually with photos to 
help you make a decision.

These two resources are invaluable, have been there for years, yet seem 
to be forgotten on a very frequent basis.

I have personal knowledge that the authors spend a great deal of time 
providing these helpful articles, all of which, are well founded, 
proven, and make the Tiger an easier car to live with.

Such issues as overheating, have been covered over and over, and are 
listed in these two web sites. 

The test done by Tiger Tom, and others on the basics and advanced ways 
to eliminate overheating, just plain work.

Yet  the subject comes up, like it is a new issue, over and over. 

So, the point is that the resources are there, but you have to let your 
fingers do the walking, and you have to read what is already there and 

If you want to bring the subject up again, and don't read these 
resources first, the chances of someone who has already been there, 
found a solution(s), and reported on it, multiple times, start to 
diminish quickly. 

I know this to be a fact from some really knowledgeable owners, who just 
don't comment anymore.


Tony Someone wrote:

>Members-First a Thanks to Ron for posting the "stubbie list". I will follow up
>asap with the results of the local Ford dealer who had/has the filters
>vertically cut open and report on the filtering capacity of each brand.
>The remote syestem on B9473317LRXFE has had new hoses installed by a PO and
>although the original fittings where used, the hose or lines where made to
>long, so long in fact I cannot use the oil filter holder that attaches to the
>head. SO, Im interested in an other than stock, remote setup(s). Im sure this,
>as have several other subjects, already been discussed but it was before I
>came aboard. So if the members who are running an other than stock filtering
>setup, I would appreciate hearing from them, especially if they have tube
>headers which make the "stubbie" unuseable. Another request would be an oil
>cooler, which might has a filter in line. Thanks ahead of time for any and all
>replys. warmest regards, Tony in southern IL.

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