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To: "'TIGER LIST'" <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Evapo-Rust
From: "The Tiger's Sunbeam" <wiseowl@thevision.net>
Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 14:22:06 -0500
Hi all,

I was just going through the monthly e-mail that I receive from Moss Motors
< http://www.mossmotors.com/ > and came upon a product called Evapo-Rust.
"See it work" < http://www.britishmotoring.net/bm0502/De_Rust/De_Rust.html >
It appears to work well; has anyone used this, any comments?

They are also having sales related to "COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ITEMS AND
MORE" if anyone is interested.


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