After much debate, I have finally settled on 15" Panasports for my
Tiger. (6" for the front and 7" for the rear) I originally was going
to go with 14" for a more original look and softer ride, but the limited
availability of tires has me concerned. Anyway, can someone who is
running this setup, help me out with some tire recommendations. I have
stock fenders. I understand that the valance will need a bit of
tweaking. I want to make certain that they fit a much as possible under
the fenders and that the rolling diameter is a close to stock as
possible. I have looked at all the tire sizing info that has been
passed around on the list and I'm certain that I can find something that
will work, but I'm looking for someone with experience so as not to make
a stupid mistake.
Thanks for any help- Randy
Randy Smith
34752 Charles Town Pike
Purcellville, VA 20132
540-668-6253 fax <>
Tiger- B382000189