I haven't filled mine with grease. However, I did make the rack
refillable. I simply took an aluminum style wheel valve stem (all metal,
with a nut to hold it in place), punched a slightly undersize hole in the
outer pleat of the cover boot and installed the stem with the center valve
removed. The broad, flat top/bottom of the valve stem pinches the boot (to
seal), but doesn't cut through it. Of course the boot was installed with the
stem at the top.
Perhaps a bit time consuming to refill, but better than the alternatives
of removing the rack or the risks of slipping off the upper part of the
boot. Eventually I'm going to make a dipstick that I can use to check the
level. It won't be attached to the cap, rather it is something kept in the
glove box or other place for safe keeping. If you go this route find the
shortest valve stem you can find.
Tom Witt