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Re: 15 inch tires

To: brushyck@wf.net
Subject: Re: 15 inch tires
From: MWood24020@aol.com
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 22:26:34 EST
In a message dated 2/14/2005 6:35:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
brushyck@wf.net writes:

Can  someone explain (without using the term "looks good") why someone  would
want to put 14" or 15" rims on a Tiger.  I would think that  going to a lower
profile tire would make it ride harder.  Am I missing  something?

You can go through all the arguments for "plus 1" and "plus 2" sizing, but  
at the end of the day, for most Tiger drivers, the choice is being driven by  
tire availability in the 13" rim diameter. These days, it seems you can either  
buy old tech, economy car tires or DOT R's in the 185 to 205 section width 
for  13" rims, without a lot of choice in between.
As far as sidewall dimensions/aspect ratio, one man's rough ride is another  
man's stiff sidewall for better control of the friction surface ;-)
Mike Wood

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