Hi Steve and Listers,
I trust your evaluation of your own skills as a painter, and recommend you
take the sample spray can to a professional automotive paint store, or
painter, and have a sample card sprayed, as well as 1/2 a card sprayed to
allow the
blank half to show the intended modern paint substitute. I am sure the
original synthetic enamel is not something you would care to use.
The Alpine looks great. What color is it?
I recently displayed my lack of painting skills when I attempted to shoot a
base coat/clear coat application of the Daytona Blue from the Nissan 350Z. I
love the color, but it looked awful after I got through with it.
What is a "paint card"? Also, I didn't understand your thoughts on the
half-card, modern paint substitute and the original enamel. If you're not too
busy, can you elaborate a little further.