Theo makes a great sales pitch. I TAKE ( I just
learned you cant suc-cribee or un suc-ribee when
emailing the list- it bounces your email-Thanks Mark-
Ill remember to misspell the word(s) or never use it
again) to Mustang
Magazine. Mainly because except for big block
articles, all engine and most transmission articles
refer to modifying early model Mustangs, 260, 289 and
302 engines and also running HO 5.0 engines both
aspirated and fuel injected. They have plenty of parts
suppliers and go into detail on converting a 289 Tang
to a late model 5.0 and using both efi and or a carb.
My main concern has been the firewall and the hood or
bonnet for those from the old country. Im certain a
hood scoop will help with one problem but Im not sure
I want to cut into the heater box. I do intend to
install the EFI in my Alger project, when I have
enough money that is BUT I also think that in time it
will work on a Tiger with no modifications to body or
firewall. My main concern is gas milage but I have
also, perhaps foolheartally, thought I would increase
performance as well. I do live by the rule of never
modifying your Tiger unless you can restore it to
condition but I feel free to do as I wish on the
Alger. Please excuse all mispelled words - I dont
proof read or use spellcheck- for some reason I think
I should. Everyone have a great weekend. TonytheTiger
in IL.
Listers- this email bounced back because I used the
word for when you pay for a magazine- the list is
setup to read that you want to receive or stop
receiving. Mark advised me to misspell the word- Mark
I misspell to many words now BUT thanks for leting me
know. To be continued!
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.