Following up on Bob's trunk seal issue, I thought some personal
experience may save some owner a similar grief.
My Tiger had a new rear trunk lip seal, when purchased, that seemed to
always be parting ways with the trunk lip. It was new, so I had no idea
where the problem was. Well, that was the problem. It was a new piece
from Victoria British Sunbeam parts, and we all should know to never by
ANYTHING from them.
The rubber seal was all fresh rubber. The problem was, there was no
metal clip imbedded inside to grip the lip of the trunk tightly.
A simple replacement to the Sunbeam Specialties version cured the
problem with strong internal molded steel finger strip that grabbed the
body, conformed to all corner bends, and doesn't leak.
Bob Palmer wrote:
>Mayf, Steve,
>Good morning Mayf. Steve says it is an exhaust smell. I can confirm that a
>bad trunk lid seal will definitely let exhaust gas into the cockpit. I
>removed mine for a short while before replacing with a new one and had the
>same exact problem Steve describes.
Steve Laifman