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Dark matter in brake fluid

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Dark matter in brake fluid
From: "Pointers" <gpointer@telusplanet.net>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 23:20:54 -0500
Noticed dark matter settled at the bottom of the brake reservior. Siphoned it
out with the (old) turkey baster and replenished with new. Not as easy to tell
with the Clutch master, as the reservoir is not transparent, but looked dark
via flashlight, so did the same. Upon siphoning, it seemed worse. I'll bleed
both systems at next chance. Brake master is 4-5 years old. Clutch master is 3
yrs old. Only use the good stuff; Castrol GT LMA fluid. Is this common? Or is
something unusual up with my systems? And what is it? Metal or plunger? I
didn't see this written about on Tiger's United.


Gary Pointer.

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