Chad Slagter,
Your company, , is listing item 2480293234,
"1966 Sunbeam Tiger Convertible". which is currently bid at $21,600.
While this is a fair price for an authentic Sunbeam Tiger in excellent
condition, I am afraid you are opening yourself up for a charge of
fraudulent misrepresentation on this sale. I do not know what your
relationship is with the listed owner "acm1049", but this car and
accompanying photographs have been reviewed by experts in the Sunbeam
Tiger automobile.
It is their unanimous conclusion, based on your own photographs and
Vehicle Identification Number, that this is NOT the rarer Sunbeam Tiger
at all, but an altered, more common, and less expensive Sunbeam ALPINE.
The car is demonstrably not originally a Tiger, and should not be
misrepresented as one. It is, at best, a counterfeit. It sale as a
Tiger may be from ignorance, or purposeful intent to mislead or
defraud. One cannot tell.
I suggest you rethink your listing this offer as a "Tiger" to avoid
future legal title issues, and charges of misrepresentation. An altered
Alpine is in no way worth the price of a rare genuine factory Tiger.
For your information and appropriate action.
Steve Laifman
Steve Laifman