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Re: Interesting "Tiger" on Ebay...Item #2461485230

To: Tiger Sunbeam <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Interesting "Tiger" on Ebay...Item #2461485230
From: Christian Gerzner <christiang@integritynet.com.au>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 18:11:15 +1000
On Sunday I wrote:

> That, to my *very* inexpert eyes, is one heavily modified Alpine.

And got a few private, probably CC'd from the list (except one),
replies to the effect that I was right, and mostly wrong, as to the
above. Oh Dear!!! But I expected that. Thank you guys. :)

I get, BTW, the Digest, which doesn't happen every day.

Oh, and the "soft top" I refer to above is, I'm told, actually a hard top.

Have I mentioned that my engineering expertise is not the greatest?
> At a quick, and rather more expert, glance on my system here at home
> (which is a baby) the pic seems heavily, and inexpertly, PhotoShopped,
> which is why I've CC'd myself at w*rk to do some closer investigation.

Never got around to that other than on this (Oz) Tuesday to the effect that:

> The item you requested (2461485230) is invalid, still pending, or no longer
> in our database. Please check the number and try again. If this message
> persists, the item has either not started and is not yet available for
> viewing, or has expired and is no longer available.

Sorry about that. As I said, I strongly suspect that the image I saw
was (very amateurishly) PhotoShopped, which is something I know not a
little about but I couldn't confirm this by importing it into
PhotoShop on my system at w*rk since it was no longer there.

>From at least one of the notes sent to me, this would not surprise.



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