Hi Folks,
Having just received the first Digest (#474) I thought I should do the
right thing and introduce myself.
No, I don't own one, matter of fact I am only toying with the idea
anyway but, way back in the middle sixties, the very first car that I
bought here in Oz (with that name I'm not born Oz) was a mustard gold
colour Alpine (big fin version and it's the only car I've had of which
I can remember the number plate - DCD 075) in the days when any "gold"
colour car was virtually unheard of.
Gee I wish I still owned it!
I'm now of an "age", as I suspect that most on this list are, where a
hankering after something like that kind of becomes an obsession. As
an example my best friend, considerably, CONSIDERABLY, better off than
I am, has a +8 as well as a +4 Mog as toys. Oh, and our Dive Boat
powered by twin Honda 90's pulled by a Merc 500ML.
"My" Tiger, I suspect, will need to be imported because they're few
and far between here. As well, it'll have to be RHD, otherwise I won't
be able to drive it on public roads here NSW where I live some 100k
(60 odd miles) north of Sydney. Oh, and the cooling system will need
to be seriously addressed, it gets hot here.
I am not "pernickety - exactly correct to specs" but I _would_ want
one that is "real", rather than cobbled together from an Alpine
BTW, my mechanical expertise is such that I know (but only just) which
end of a screwdriver is the business end.
That's the *thin* end that I _don't_ hold in my hand, right?
I am lucky, however, in having quite possibly the best automotive
restorer in Oz in my back yard and they do virtually everything. This
of course means that I am quite certainly not going to contribute to
the on-going debate of what fixes what anytime soon. In fact, probably never.
My other passion is SCUBA with particular emphasis on underwater
photography. I like to think that I'm a diver that does photography
rather than the other way around. There is a significant difference
since diving means the operation of a life support system which, if it
goes wrong, is likely to kill you. Been doing that for more years,
many more years, than I care to remember. Anyone want a couple of
fair-to-middling unnawata pics for fun, maybe as wallpaper, please ask
(privately I would think). :)
To pay the bills I work in the publishing industry, therefore I am an
(Apple) Mac baby and consider pretty well anything by Micro$haft as
something spawned by the devil. However, being in that game, I might
be able to help members of the list if they get stuck with
photographic/graphic digital manipulation. Please feel free to ask.
PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator, FreeHand, even QuarkXPress (reveals
my bias) is, inter alia, my name of the game.