Sorry to fill your mail so fast after introducing myself earlier today. I have
dozens of questions after having gotten this car on the road following 17 years
of storage. I will try to parse these out over time, but one that is current
to what I am doing relates to a piece of carpet that is obviously OEM.
Tucked behind one of the seats when I got the car was a piece of carpet that
was essentially square at 2.5'x2.5'. It had a U cut into it leaving legs of
about 4" width on each side and extending to the other side to a depth of about
1'10". Does anyone know what this is. It was not backed, and never was.
As to the OEM nature of the piece, all sides were finished in the same
irreplaceable red vinyl that covered the balance of the interior, the carpeting
was identical to the other carpeting in the car, and although it was the only
unmollested piece of carpet in the car, it obviously showed at 35 years old
(I.e., some of the tufting had began to come through the back where the
original vinyl backing was deteriorating.
Thanks for any help.
Bob Nersesian.