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So Cal TT Rally

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: So Cal TT Rally
From: "Windsor Owens" <wowens3@mindspring.com>
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 22:02:30 -0700
Hello listers,
    I thought I'd forward this application to a really fun rally.  It is
somewhat similar to the No Frills Iron Bottom, but a little bit more
structured.  I've done this rally in my tiger in the past, and it's a lot of
fun.  Lot's of different cars & different people to get to know.  Great
roads, lot's of elevation changes & beautiful scenery.  It is not a race,
just an opportunity to spend a couple of days with other like-minded
fanciers of old cars (pre 1976).
I'm going down with some other folks from the SF bay area.  I'll be taking
the tiger, and my friends will be in a '55 bel air, a 59 Abarth 600 and a
bugeye sprite, possibly others.  It's a great opportunity to blow the
cobwebs off an old car after a long winter.....


 So Cal TT 2003

 What :  a 600 mile rally for pre 1976 road going contraptions with four

 When :  9:00 am Sunday, May 4, 2002 thru 9:00 pm Monday, May 5, 2002.

Where : Begins in Los Angles, California in the vicinity of Echo Park; Over
 night in the Yucca Valley; Return to Los Angeles.  The tour will consist of
 a variety of mountain roads (twisty), and some desert roads.  At least 95%
 of the route will be paved.

 How much :  $110 for you and your car.  $40 extra if you want to take a

 What you get for your entry fee : Tee shirt; Accommodations at a hotel in
 Yucca Valley; Dash plaques; Rally stickers; Awards dinner and ceremony;
 whatever else I can supply for a measly hundred and ten bucks.

 Send enclosed application with your check for $110 ($150 with passenger)
 made out to Tad Yenawine to:
     So Cal TT
     Tad Yenawine
     813 East Kensington Road
     Los Angeles, CA  90026

 Your application must be received by  April 26, 2003.

 You may indicate your entry number preference.

 Please indicate if you will have a passenger.

 Please indicate if you would like to share a room or bed with someone else
 on the rally.

 Refunds in full will be made prior to April 26, 2003.

 Additional Tee shirts may be pre-ordered for $8 each; please indicate size.
 If you want a special style of shirt, you can be accommodated with enough
 notice.  Shirts will cost $10 after April 26.

 The Yucca Inn has massage therapists on staff.  If you want a massage when
 you arrive in Yucca Valley, call the hotel and arrange it

 For more information call 213 975 1144 or E mail at tanjent@sbcglobal.net.

 See you on the road, Bronze!


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