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Re: speedometer gears

To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: speedometer gears
From: Carmods@aol.com
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 09:17:51 EST
Hi Jim,

Do you know how fast your speedometer is? When you do, divide the actual 
speed by the indicated speed. Then multiply this by 15 and you will know how 
many teeth you should have.

For instance,   60 MPH / 50 MPH X 15 teeth = 18 teeth

 You will have to pick a gear as close as possible. Most Ford dealers have 
gears. Take your old one to make sure the lengths and diameters are the same 
and the "Lay" of the teeth are the same.

You can do your testing after you get the car running to get some good 
measurements. To make calculations easier and correct for tire growth, etc., 
test at an indicated 60 MPH. 

                                                        John Logan

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