I second that thought. On the other hand, think of all the joy that you would
miss if you simply bought a car already finished;
1. Overpaying for rare Tiger Only parts your missing
2. Dealing with the flaky guy at the body and paint shop
3. Dealing with the flaky guy at the chrome shop
4. Overpaying for another set of rare Tiger Only parts that the flaky chrome
guy lost.
5. That deflating feeling when you go to order that part you really need that
you are soooo glad is in the catalog but when you talk to the parts guy he
tells you he no longer stocks it and doesn't know if or when he will again.
6. The misleading, contradictory and incorrect restoration advice you get on
the list.
7. All the stuff you have to live with that is not quite right but you know
you will do better the "next time" because now you have experience with the job.
8. All the great chemicals, you get to inhale, absorb and store in your garage.
9. All the stuff you learn about doing the job right that come months or years
after you did the job to the best of your ability.
10. Listening to the wife repeatedly reminding you of your original time and
cost estimate of the project.
That all being said I'm glad I did it myself. Would I do it again? Hmmmm...
Champion of B9471116, saved from oblivion
> I have not checked out this car personally, but it looks very much like a
> car I once purchased and restored. I thought I knew what I was doing, but
> it turned out that the cost of restoration was about *twice the cost* of
> buying a car already restored.