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Re: rack & pinion for ackerman mods

To: Arnie Sugar <asugar@hwageo.com>
Subject: Re: rack & pinion for ackerman mods
From: sosnaenergyconsulting <sosnaenergyconsulting@cox.net>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 14:13:05 -0800
Hi Arnie:
I bought my R& P sight unseen.  It's generally in okay condition, but 
I've since found out that the rack arm is a little sloppy on one side. 
The 'fix' is evidently to take the ball and socket apart and mess about 
with shims to make things a bit tighter again.  I'm trying to figure out 
how to get the darned ball housings apart!  There's special tools 
involved and since I don't have any, we're trying to make something that 
will do the job.
So I guess my thoughts would be that if you can physically inspect the 
R&P first that would be best, and check the 'play' in the rack arms. If 
they seem excessively loose, you might want to see if you can find one 
that won't need disassembly in that particular area.

Oh, you are looking for a pre-'70 R&P, right?  I believe that's the type 
that Dale recommends.

Best of luck with the project.

Actually, this leads to a general question to the list:  There's an oil 
nipple on these sprite racks for putting in the 90 wt oil.  Can I use a 
grease gun and fill it with oil, or will the oil just ooze out of the gun?

Thanks in advance.


David Sosna

Arnie Sugar wrote:

> I'm looking at a couple of MG midget rack& pinions on ebay, for the
> ackerman mod.  I'm a little nervous about buying one sight unseen - any
> thoughts on whether its better to get one at a junkyard where I can
> check it out, vs. by mail?  The local brit junkyard is pretty proud of
> their used parts, I think you get a jar of Grey Poupon with each part.
> What are the things to look for?  I'm assuming it will need a rebuild,
> any advice on doing this myself, or should I just get a rebuilt unit,
> and if so, from where? So many questions...
> Arnie Sugar

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