A word of caution from a person who has gone through six weeks of
anguish and a bushel of money trying to correct the same problem with an
Alpine Series V which has the same master cylinder-servo set-up as the Tiger.
If possible, try to rebuild the master cyclinder with a kit from Sunbeam
Specialities or Victoria British. I made the mistake of going for a new
master cylinder, but there is a mis-match in the length of the actuator rod,
causing the brakes to lock up. Finally I got a couple of used ones from Bob
Jaarsma and then Tiger Tom Ehrhart rebuilt one with the correct length rod.
If you do elect to get a new master cylinder (about $260/copy), above all
don't throw away your old one, as my mechanic did. You'll need it to check
the effective length of the actuator rod that attaches to the brake pedal.
A lot of people simply bypass an ailing servo, which increases brake
pedal pressure,. I had mine rebuilt, but it's a major project.
Jim Anderson