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To: detomaso@realbig.com
Subject: FW: [DeTomaso] Jacks?-IMPORTANT REMINDER
From: DavidAdin@mercydurango.org
Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 08:20:48 -0700
Hi kids,
Don't forget the jack stands - any jack can fail at any time and I don't
want to hear about a squashed friends.

be safe!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: D. E. Adin [mailto:adin@frontier.net] 
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 8:08 PM
> To: panteras
> Cc: tigers
> Subject: [DeTomaso] Jacks?
> Someone had asked about floor jacks - specifically the Harbor 
> Freight (US
> General) "Aluminum Racing Jack" so . . . .
> On the left, we have the challenger, Harbors US General 
> Aluminum Racing Jack
> (ARJ)
> http://images.fotki.com/v10/photos/4/43175/147329/topview-vi.jpg
> On the right is the AR DK20Q (my first choice) - read about it here:
> http://www.shopquip.com/acdk20q.htm
> I chose the DK20Q because: 1) cheaper than the 13Q and 2) 
> shorter and I
> thought storage would be an issue.  If the Jack stays home, 
> and you have the
> room go for the longer DK13Q.
> Here we see the challenge:
> http://images.fotki.com/v11/photos/4/43175/147329/jackfaceoff-vi.jpg
> getting the rear of a Pantera in the air.  One wants to lift 
> from the side
> when changing wheels ~ this is the longest reach with the 
> least clearance.
> My Pantera has the Hall jack pads so clearance in the front 
> is just a little
> more than 3.5", in the rear a touch less than 3.5".
> the $200 ARJ in action
> http://images.fotki.com/v10/photos/4/43175/147329/geninaction-vi.jpg
> and the <$300 DK20Q in action
> http://images.fotki.com/v11/photos/4/43175/147329/dk20qinaction-vi.jpg
> Notice the ARJ does the job, but I'm sure it would dent the 
> rocker panel
> without the utmost care.  The ARJ, by the way is about 35lbs 
> vs. the DK20Qs
> 65lbs.  Not something to drag around.
> The ARJ uses one aluminum roller for front wheels - I 
> stretched a chunk of
> intertube over this to make it a little quieter - don't know 
> if its worth
> the time or not.
> You pays your money and takes your choice.  Sorry it took so long.
> David (Durango)
> D. E. Adin, Photographer
> adin@frontier.net
> 1973 Pantera (Ford V8, no waiting)
> http://images.fotki.com/v8/photos/4/43175/147329/pant351C-vi.jpg
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