I want to thank you so very much for all the effort you went through to
create your: web site. It was a very entertaining put-on
of our: web site, right down to the "look and feel".
At first, I too was "dyslexic" and read right past the name alteration.
When I finally tried it out they way you had stated the URL, I was
amazed to see a parody of our TigersUnited site, right down to the black
hot link banners, the waving flags, the header script, logo and title.
I didn't understand it at first glance, then I went through the content.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a Parody within a Parody. You must
have given this some thought. Here was a complete section on NON
manufacturer's accessories never sold by a dealer as an authorized
Rootes part. Hard tops (which I have from my Alpine days), "Tiger"
lettered air cleaners. A virtual catalog on non-stock goodies never put
together before.
It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I guess
I am pretty amused. Especially since there isn't even a hint of sarcasm,
or negativeness about the whole thing.
I liked it so much, I would recommend the Tiger list look at your site
and learn about the non-Rootes options. I am also going to list your
site on our Links "Online Resources" page so others can find it, when
the original e-mail is lost.
I understand why you choose the "dyslexic" ploy, based on the name
twist, and am pleased to have created a site that deserves your special
sense of humor and the effort it took to create "United Tigers" parody
Thank you for an entertaining evening, and for your obviously thorough
study of our web site
to come up with your Saturday Night Live version:
A real Hoot!
Congratulations, and best wishes,
BTW: If you are not going to keep the site active, as I know the expense
involved, I would like your permission to include your material in our
LAT section as "Norman Miller's Un-LAT section".
Steve Laifman