Probably, if it is allowed, they are all doing this -- it was probably in
the early 70's that I saw a photo of a Nascar racer so equipped. It seemed
so backwards at the time. Everybody seemed to think you had to scoop the
On a related topic, look at the front ("chin") spoilers of the era -- they
jutted forward at the bottom to "scoop" the air upwards, according to
prevailing theory of the time. That's why the straight vertical air dams
looked so goofy when they first appeared.
> Don't all the NASCAR boys do this? I seem to remember seeing cold air
> on top of the carbs that linked back to the heater air intake area. Is
> perhaps illegal now, but they did it a while back? Anyway, the very crude
> "Tuft test" that I did a few years back suggested that it could work on a
> Tiger, too. With the hood lifted a couple inches at the rear, air was
> blasting out a the corners. But at the center, not much was happening,
> suggesting that the pressure at the center was much closer to the
> pressure than at the corners.
> Stu