To some, this stuff has the welcome patina of others, it's just
more old crap from Johnson's cellar. But----Pebble Beach has a class for
unrestored originals, so forget the good stuff and take a gander at
these three original Tiger take-offs:
1- Two Tiger heater control valves, the early kind. These include
the bracketry needed to fasten said valve to the cowl brace. Each one
also includes the brass elbow. Opening & closing mechanism works, but
working condition unknown. Undoubtedly needs rebuilding.
2- One pair original Tiger trunk hinges---not perfect in appearance,
but not repro either----has a few blemishes, but no cracks or chips.
3-Four original Tiger hubcaps---no dents, but typical dull British
chrome finish, no rust & intact red oxide primer interior finish.
Best offer(s)
Al Johnson