Having never broken a fulcrum pin (probably because I have yet to drive my
"Project Tiger"), I am curious as to just where the pin breaks. Is the break
constantly in the same spot? Is it at the front or back? Does it break at
the thinned mounting bolt area or the bushing shoulder? If it breaks at the
shoulder which side. The side the bushing is on or the side closest to the
mounting bolts?
If the break is where I would suspect (at the thinned mounting bolt area) I
ask why not create new mounts on the crossmember (wider spaced) and turn a
thicker pin. I would suspect that a size just smaller than an un-bushed
A-arm would be a lot thicker than the original design. Or perhaps a sleeve
(with mounting provisions) thicker than the A-arm opening could be used
between the A-arm openings and a fulcrum pin could be slid throught it.
Finally, a plate of steel (say 1-1/2" by 6") could bolted horizontally to
the crossmember (yea it would be tough "fishing" in a nut, but once tack
welded via a slight notch in the hole it should stay) and extended to the
fulcrum pin (captured on that end by the fulcrum pin nut) should both
relieve stress on the pin as well keep things "relative" to their proper
location should it ever break (and yet be removable). Note: there would be
four of these at each of the pin nuts.
Well I know these things never come back the way they are sent out, but I
will give it a try.
^ ^ ^
captured nuts steel plate
fulcrum pin nut
properly bent
Since it seems lives are at stake I'm just throwing ideas out. If anything
sounds interesting I could draw you what I'm thinking. Tom Witt B9470101