It's Doobie Larry ;-). And what's a 45? ;-0
I was not nearly as ambitious as Larry - I just got an Alpine (get it huh?)
CD player, mounted it under the dash (there are rails under there that
you'll find), and ran a couple of speaker wires under the carpet to the rear
deck, and placed a couple of enclosed speakers there (Radio Shack actually
has decent speakers for this purpose). Then I got an untenna instead of
cutting a whole in a fender. I didn't want to cut into anything on the car
and can take it all out in less than 15 minutes without a trace. It works
for me, since I never drive the car with the top up, and with the wind
buffeting my ears, and being half-deaf anyway a hotter setup would be a
waste. For me.
But if you want to have the best of anything in a Tiger, you can't go wrong
taking Larry's advice every step of the way....
Chris Thompson
Larry wrote:
Jim, I started with a nice stereo radio with cassette (under dash), then to
remote 6 CD changer (in trunk), <snip>