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Re: Hitting Flies

To: CoolVT@aol.com
Subject: Re: Hitting Flies
From: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@SoCal.RR.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 21:48:30 -0700

Do not fear! Help is on the way.

Experience with experimental physics has demonstrated that you fear for naught.

In 1953, at a road speed of 82 mph, I hit a flock of moths flying
directly at me. This was in an MG-TD, which had a flat windshield and
the aerodynamics of a brick.

Those moths weighed 10 to 20 times what a fly weighs, and the car was a
good 1200 pound lighter than the Tiger. I hit so many that the
windshield was almost totally squished moths, as was the rest of the
front vertical surfaces.

The aerodynamics did not lift a single one out of a head on frontal collision.

It was a mess, and it's hard to find an ice scraper in Los Angeles. But
the only damage was to the moths. I was lucky they did not have an
attorney, as I did not even swerve to avoid their brutal highway massacre.

Car needed good cleaning, and the worst that could have happened would
be forgetting to backwash the radiator, or getting blinded by moth parts
on the windshield and hitting an oncoming bicycle. Now that would have
totaled the MG.

Although this is humorous, it is also true.

Steve Laifman        < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                               < and don't let it get away!>

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