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Re: Time This

To: Tom Witt <wittsend@jps.net>
Subject: Re: Time This
From: Steve Laifman <SLaifman@SoCal.RR.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 11:00:19 -0700
Mr. Gasket makes the very tape you are talking about. I've had mine in
it's package for about a year now. Getting my fingers to stick it around
that balancer probably requires a lift for access, someone to hand turn
the engine slowly, or very agile fingers.

Be careful, most speed shops carry the Chevy tape, which is not for the
correct diameter, but it IS in the Mr. Gasket catalog, and can be
purchased for the Ford.

Mr. Gasket now owns ACCEL, I believe.

Steve Laifman        < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                               < and don't let it get away!>

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