At 01:11 PM 01/06/2001 -0800, Tom Witt wrote:
>Dick, Maybe it was too many POR-15 fumes. The Tiger list comes in in such
>volume at time I just assumed that was the origin of your letter. My comment
>">Dick, You let the cat out of the bag! Now everyone knows just how stupid I
> >am!" was only made in joking thats why I said "(LOL)". Regardless the error
>was mine and I ask your forgiveness in my mistake. I am actually honored
>that you took interest. At your discression you might want to sent the
>letter to the list to qwell any confusion that may have arised by my
>actions. With humble apology, Tom Witt
What's this about? Just a little confusion after I sent a private message
to Tom Witt, and he posted his response to the list. At Tom's suggestion
(above), I am now posting my original message to the list so you get the
whole picture. Here is what I said to Tom:
>I have been following your saga of the POR with some interest, because I
am >familiar with you car and realize how much work it requires. I recall
when the >PO brought the car into Smitty's Sunbeam for an estimate of what
it would cost >to "fix it up." Smitty asked me to look it over for the
people (man & wife) and >give them my estimate, so I did. The more I
looked, the more depressed I got. >So much rust and cancer, so much bent
sheet metal, so many missing parts. >I was torn between trying to save the
poor thing, or parting it out and junking >the rest. The man said he
didn't plan to do any work himself, but would pay >Smitty (or whoever) to
do everything for him. (Smitty had no intention of >undertaking the
project.) Then he sucked in his breath and admitted with >considerable
pain that he might be willing to spend as much as $5000! Well, >you can
imagaine his reaction when I told him it would take at least $20,000 >just
to make the car safe and driveable (he drove it in to Smitty's!!), and
maybe >another $15-20K to pretty it up. So that was the end of
that. Afterwards the >car sat in Smitty's shop for well over a year, then
finally disappeared. When I >asked where it went, I was told it had been
purchased by a fellow named Tom >Witt. And now you know the rest of the story.
>Good luck!
Dick Barker