When Rusty Jones was in the Northeast their guarantee was that they would
repair the damage. None of this, "Well refund your money." Of course, they
went broke after a while. I believe they were counting on the people selling
the cars before the rust really set in. Another company in this area....I
believe "Tuff coat" had the same warranty as Ziebart...repair or refund
your original money. In the 60's anyone I knew with a Chrysler product with
the Tuff Coat got their money back. The cars just fell apart in 3 or 4 years.
The funny thing is these people swore by the company because they stood by
their warranty to refund the money. Now there was a smart company. Use your
money for 3 or 4 years, give it back and have the customer praise you for
keeping your word. Mark L.