Same type story here. Received (unsolicited) the "Grassrootes" mag. in the
mail . Wow! this is cool. Wonder who sent this to me? Following week I
get an invoice in the mail.
With 3 kids and a busness I do get busy and forgetful, but I did'nt order no
stink'in mag! I tossed the invoice in the trash and was quite PISSED!!
Now, I suppose the creditors will be on me in a few months. Then a mark on
my credit file will appear and I will have to pay off a subscription I never
signed up for.
I can just hear the loan officer say,
"That is Mr. Jordan, if you still want the 2nd mortgage to be approved you
must cleanup your credit". "Pay off the subscription plus the late charges
and the bank will release your loan funds".
Who is responsible for this underhanded sleezy move?
1. beat with said magazine(wet)
2. drag behind Tiger (I have the towbar)
3. every 6 months sign him up for Columbia CD Club
----- Original Message -----
From: <TigerCoupe@aol.com>
To: <GRMMail@aol.com>
Cc: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 3:08 PM
Subject: (no subject)
> On 01-Feb-2000 at 19:52:52PST GRMMail@aol.com wrote:
> >Subject: Tom Patton's Runoffs Winning Tiger.
> >Tom Patton's Tiger will be featured in this month's issue of Grassroots
> >Motorsports Magazine. A free sample of the magazine can be had by
> >me or calling (904) 673-4148.
> >Per
> >GRM
> A month or so ago I responded via Email to the above offer sent to the
> Sunbeam Tiger information group. Eventually I did receive my free issue,
> which I enjoyed.
> Today, May 18, 2000, I received a "Subscription Invoice" for $17.95 from
> Grassroots Motorsports which "Includes all account activity through: May 4
> 00." I was surprised to learn that this was Notice # 101000504$SOFT, that
> account # was 49522, and my order # was 87323.
> The invoice was accompanied by a letter from the publisher, which read in
> part:
> "Thank you for your subscription order. By now you should have gotten
> first issue of GRASSROOTS MOTORSPORTS -- if not, it will be along
> shortly.........If you have already sent in your payment, we thank you and
> ask that you please disregard this notice."
> This correspondence strikes me as a blatent, backhanded solicitation which
> borders on unethical. Accordingly, I will disregard it. I hope that
> members of the Tiger community have not had an experience similar to mine!
> Dick Barker