OK, you can stop spamming the List now. ;-) I'm sorry I apparently
misinterpreted your post. I misunderstood your meaning of "it's". However,
I don't know of any automotive regulator that regulates at 13.6 volts, at
least not intentionally. However, I made the faulty leap of logic that you
meant the instrument voltage was supposed to regulate at 13.6V, which is
about half a volt or so below the correct alternator/generator regulator
voltage, but not low enough to work 100% of the time.
Sorry again for the confusion,
At 11:07 AM 3/17/00 +0000, Steve Laifman wrote:
>Isn't that exactly what I said? Even to using the same 13.6 volts you
>cite, and
>the large variation making it unusable as an instrument reference.