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To: tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: TAC
From: MWood24020@aol.com
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 22:25:09 EST
In a message dated 01/14/2000 4:19:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, MWood24020 

<< Jeff-
 Yes, the fact of the matter is that three TAC inspectors must sign off on 
the car.
 I am game to come down with two others, if we can all work it out. Don't 
worry about my air fare, I have more frequent flyer miles than I'll ever use!
 It will just be a matter of finding a good location and gathering enough 
cars to make it work. I like Austin, myself!
 Mike Wood >>

Well, now I've really shot my mouth off!
First, I am not a Senior TAC Inspector, which would be a neccessary piece of 
the puzzle.
Second, while for me it is possible to combine a couple of days business in 
San Antonio and Dallas (even Houston, but I swore I'd never go back there) 
with a weekend TAC event, for others a trip to Texas to TAC cars would be...a 
trip to Texas to TAC cars.
Third, I am in no way an official spokesman for STOA's TAC committee.
I just thought you had a great idea and would like to contribute to both 
owner's peace of mind and the further growth of TAC.

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